SPARROW :: Modeling of Surface-Water Quality
SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed Attributes
- SPARROW Homepage @ USGS
SPARROW relates in-stream water-quality measurements to spatially referenced characteristics of watersheds, including contaminant sources and factors influencing terrestrial and stream transport.
The model empirically estimates the origin and fate of contaminants in streams, and quantifies uncertainties in these estimates based on model coefficient error and unexplained variability in the observed data.
SPARROW is executed through SAS, but the code is available at the links below:
SPARROW and the Chesapeake Bay
Details and data related to Chesapeake Bay specific SPARROW models can be found at the following link:
While model predications can be output into many forms, the spatial power of SPARROW benefits greatly by using some sort of GIS data layer, like the vector reach network, or watershed catchments related to the reaches modeled. Output from our latest CB SPARROW model (version 3.0 for TN and TP) have ended up here as well.
Getting SPARROW to "talk to other models" can be done by modifying the data type/formats of the predictions or coefficients, and better understanding how they can be used as inputs to "other models".